Emails from Elder Jack Spencer (Called to serve in Hermosillo, Mexico)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December 15, 2010
It has been really busy and a little stressful in Sahuarita this past week.
Transfer calls come in sunday night! RIGHT before Christmas which is kind of a bummer, but I'm excited none the less. I have NO idea whether I'm staying or moving back into a Spanish area- both sound great to me:)
Yes I do pretty much live in a house. We live with some really sweet older members, the Todds (sister Todd is a member brother Todd isn't!). Elder Holyoak and I live in a little two room apartment on the side of their house where (I think) their son or nephew used to live.
THANK YOU everyone for the letters and Christmas cards and PRESENTS! It is beginning to feel a lot more like Christmas down here in southern Arizona too believe it or not.
WELL, beginning with the most exciting thing.. WE HAD A BAPTISM ON SATURDAY!!! I completely forgot my camera to send pictures (and I had lots to send too) so I'll have to send them next time. But Sheridan (really cool girl, Mary Ellen's age) was baptized Saturday and confirmed in church on Sunday : ) IT WAS AWESOME. Her whole non-member family was there to support her and they all seemed to have a really great experience. Sheridan is a McGee and lives up on the ranch, so a bunch of the ranchers came down to support too. I can see this big step for Sheridan being a GIANT LEAP in the right direction for the ranch as a whole (there are a lot of really great, but slightly lost or confused people and families up there READY for the gospel), I really think Sheridan could be that needed catalyst.
ALSO up on the ranch... little known fact: I have always wanted to cut down my own Christmas tree. Who knew I would get to do just that on my MISSION in the desert of Arizona?! A really nice family invited us to help them put their Christmas lights up after a lesson, and then drive back into the mountains above the ranch and cut down Christmas trees!! -I have pictures of this to send too-
as you can probably imagine, these pine trees aren't quite as bushy or full as the ones bought/found in more forested parts of the US.. our little bare 5 ft. Charlie Brown tree, now wrapped in a red blanket in our apartment is a sight to behold :) After I cut it down, in a very manly, lumber-jack fashion, wearing my flannel shirt, we strapped our little tree onto the bike rack on the back of our ford fusion for the half-hour drive back down from the ranch.
THEN, to top it all off, (also explaining why I'm emailing on Wednesday) we drove 2.5 hours out to the Gila Valley and went to the Temple yesterday!!! -also, some more pictures I would be sending if I had remembered my camera-
The Gila Valley Temple is brand new and really pretty. It is SUCH a blessing to be on my mission somewhere (here, and in Mexico) where I have the opportunity to attend the temple. Temple work IS missionary work.
Family, I love you all so much. There are things I miss about Christmas at home, but honestly, there isn't anywhere I would rather be, or anything I would rather be doing, than the work of the Lord, here in Sahuarita AZ.
I'm running out of time because we came to try out the computers at the public library today instead of using the Family History center at the church like we normally do, so I have a time limit again! but I just wanted to let you all know how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you. You are all in my daily thoughts and prayers,
Elder Spencer
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 28, 2010
November 20, 2010
lesson learned:------ don't get too comfortable where you are, because everything can change SO fast.
For whatever reason there was an ET (emergency transfer) in the Gila Valley, SO I, being in a threesome in south Tucson, got a call late (1045-late for a missionary) Wednesday night telling me to get my bags packed, I was moving south to Sahuarita! I threw all my stuff in my bags and by 1 the next day I was down here in my second area. I am serving in a place called green valley, in two English speaking wards here in Sahuarita and I like it a lot more than I thought I would.
When the news came that I was going to an English speaking area I was pretty bummed. My Spanish is probably the thing I am most worried about, so I wasn't excited to go serve somewhere where I wouldn't be using any! But Heavenly father had a lesson to teach me - and that is that the work is the same everywhere, and that for some reason, some really old retired white people need Elder Spencer to bring them the gospel.
My new companion Elder Holyoak is a REALLY nice guy from Pocatello Idaho and we get along really well. He's pretty green still, been out 6 months, but knows the area really well which AMAZES me because I am so lost here in the suburbs. Our area is actually kind of split up, we live in a pretty open rural-esque area between our two tracting areas -- Green Valley, a community of really old people, mostly "snow birds" who come down for the nice weather (you have to be over 55 years old to live there) and Rancho Sahuarita which basically looks like Rancho Cucamunga. There is one more little branch of out area called the McGee Ranch which I can tell is going to be my favorite place to go. We ride our bikes about 20-25 miles a day back and forth from home, to Green Valley and Rancho, Mostly knocking doors(white people are so mean) but we have to drive about half an hour up into the desert to McGee Ranch.
From what I've gathered so far, McGee Ranch is a HUGE plot of land where about 75 families are spread out. You have to be somehow related to the McGee family to live up there, they all work together for what they call "the company" (construction I think) and most all of them go to "the company church" except for the few Mormons who live up there and investigating family that we go and visit. --from what I can tell, the company church seems to be kind of a branch off of Mormonism ha ha they supposedly believe in the book of Mormon, but not that you have to be baptized and they don't live the word of wisdom--. They kind of live the law of consecration too... the company makes money, and gives it out to all the families evenly.
I still know very little, but this place seems CRAZY and I'm really excited to learn more. Oh yeah and they are a bunch of red necks and hunt every weekend. The couple houses that I've been to up there so far have had enormous elk and deer heads and antlers and even bobcat and mountain lion pelts hanging up all over the house . This place is awesome.
All the people who live down at the bottom here in Sahuarita in the suburbs do one of two things: young families, nerdy dad working for Ratheon, OR super HUGE scary dad who works for Border Patrol. One of the members told me 85-90% of the population here fall into those two categories.
Overall, I thought I wouldn't like it here, but I'm actually LOVING it. We have a couple AWESOME investigators and I actually end up using my Spanish about once a day. I miss South Tucson and Elder Burns and Elder Barlow and my tiny Mexican branch, but !asi es la vida! (lit. trans.--> "like this is the life")
I'm pretty excited for thanksgiving, and I'm pretty stoked to be in a gringo English speaking area for the holidays too! I think we got at least 3 or 4 thanksgiving dinner invitations at church yesterday, but I think we're only going to go to two. Church was AWESOME. It's weird to be in two, Glendora 5th size wards after a little struggling branch, but I got a little more out of church -it being in English. I've been thinking a lot about thanksgiving and what a cool holiday it is and I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for my family. I love you all so much and I'm so proud to be a Spencer. I think of all the GREAT memories I have of growing up and I am so grateful for my childhood. How cool is it that I have family on both coasts and a rich history on both sides. I think back to all the cool things we did as a family growing up, driving to new Mexico, flying out to the east coast, getting to see Indian reservations, white sand dunes all the way to civil war battle fields and Washington DC. We've been lucky enough to go to Hawaii, NYC, and that is just vacations! We live in Southern California of all places! Emily has gotten to study in the Mountains and snow and I study by the bay, where I can see the golden gate bridge and San Francisco. We are all healthy, and happy, and together. Thank you Mom and Dad for everything that you've sacrificed and done for this family. I love you all so much and I love the Lord for putting us together. It is no wonder to me that God LOVES and works through families, and I see that every single day, doing his work.
Love and miss you all!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Estimada familia mia,
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
1st Email from Tucson!
Hello everyone! I hope everything is going as well at home as it is here. I'm glad you got my letter! I received the one from dad with the wikipedia article on tucson the other day so the mail seems to be working:) I think it's just a little slow for me to receive mail because it has to be forwarded through the mission office then to our apprtment.
Well I don;t really know where to start... but I LOVE the mission field! Already in the first WEEK I have been chased by angry dogs, yelled at by passing cars, rejected at the door, and (beleive it or not) rained on a little! But preaching the gospel to our investigators and the ones we do find is so incredibly worth it all, it's hard not to smile the entire time.
We are teaching some really great families. Daniella has a baptismal date for this upcoming saturday! She's a really nice girl about 20 years old, 4 kids, and has been through a lot in her life. She's found teh gospel as a way to really turn her life around and face the right direction. Her boyfriend figure is in prison (also now reading the Book of Mormon there ha ha) and her kids are the cutest! It helps a lot to practice my spanish with little kids. I like to help her oldest, Luis, w/ his homework -- he's in kendergarden and is REALLY smart. We are teraching a couple other single moms, a really nice family, and a young couple (again maybe a year older than me) with their very young very cute little girl, ALL OF WHOM JUST NEED TO COME TO CHURCH. I have learned quickly that this is kindof suprisingly the hardest part. People will read the book of mormon, they might even pray and get and answer, gain a testimony, want to be baptized, but for whatever reason no one ever comes to church on sunday! It's hard enought to get the members there on time enought to take the sacrement haha.
Anyways enough about them, now my companions. I really do like them a lot.
Elder Burns is hard working and SO GENEROUS. He is ALWAYS baking something for us or for the investigators and he's realllllly good. He makes biscuits and muffins for breakfast or pasta or something if we don;t have a dinner appointment, its GREAT. He also always seems to be fixing my bike for me in his spare time because it keeps breaking (he basically build it from scratch for me when they heard they would be getting a "visa waiter").n Hes really great and really funny -- always singing disney songs and translating them into spanish on the spot. He also really loves the people and the language and is really good at teaching.
Elder Barlow is quiet, awkward, skinny, and about 6'4'' or maybe 5''. He doesn't speak very much spanish but is an inspiration to me because he TRIES so hard and the people really do understand him, and love him for trying. The there are the zone leaders who also are working in the los reales branch (5 missionaries to maybe 20 people in sac meeting is a lot ha ha). Th are really great, Elders Kinsey and Edmundson. Elder Kinsey looks like a Kinsey form the Glendora stake, small, buff, etc. Edlder Ed. is HUGE and has bright red hair and freckles and plays football for BYU! They're both really fun.
alriiight I don't have too much time b/c I want to try and send you some pictures from the MTC but really quick, some funny stories:
I think I mentioned this already maybe. but Elder Burns was test riding my bike while we were tracting one day after fixing it for the nth time and the seat broke off and the seat post ripped his pants haha I felt bad but he just laughed and we kept tracting!
Then another time we were visiting Daniella's grandma, an inactive member and she had locked her keys in her car! she didnt have AAA or anything so we used a coat hanger and a rag and a screw driver and broke into her car hahaha some of the gangster kids on the street helped us do it since we didnt know how. I don;t really want to know why they know how... haha
Then on saturdayyy fue una barbabcoa de la estaca! I think thats how you'd say there was a stake bbq. It was reallllly fun, sadly none of our investigators that told us they would come, came :/ but we met lots of new people. What was funny was that it was the whole stake, so about 3 or four spanish only branches and a bunch of white wards from north Tucson haha the mexicans were in charge of the music... entonces... it was really loud, and very mexican! and the white people kept turning it down, and then someone from the spanish branches would turn it back up again, and so on and so forth ha ha.
Sad stories:
On sunday morning, we had planned allll week to have a breakfast at la casa de Robles! We made muffins and biscuits and went over there for desayuno to meet Daniella and everyone there and bring her and her kids and her inactive grandma and everyone to church! When we got there it was only hermana Robles, she didnt know where Daniella had been since the night before, she had made us breakfast, but wasn't coming to church b/c she was tired :/
Sunday is "game day." We work all week to invite people to come to church and Noche de Hogar and activities and things liek that, but the final climax of the week is always sunday! This gameday we lost and none of our investigators came to church:/ not even the ones who said they would. But thats okay! We'll gett'em next time.
Spiritual experiences:
Last night actually, we were teaching this man named Hugo. He's really funny, and really pretty golden. He's very spiritual and tells us every time we go there that we are messengers for him from God. we're liek "Yeah! we are!" ha ha. Well last night he was talking, and I was sitting there, very stressed and frustrated as usual that I could understand probably 95 percent of what he was saying but I couldnt for the life of me say what I wanted to say, when I got the strongest prompting to promise him something. This is weird, b/c this is the part of being a missionary that I have not yet experienced and have always been kindof iffy about-- promising someone something will happen if they just come to church, or make time to read the BOM etc. Cuz what if I'm wrong?! I'm no prophet, no patriarch. Anyways after fighting it for a while, the prompting was too string to ignore. So i was trying SO HARD in my head to figure out how to say that I felt prompted by the lord, since I was a rep. of Jesus Christ, that if he would just come to church on saunday with us, he would find answers to his questions and everything would work out at work. While I was struggling to figure this out in spanish, my companion Eld. Burns told him EXACTLY THAT. word for word.
I was and am astonished. This truly is God's work. as missionaries the spirit is speaking through us, 2 maybe sometimes (in our case) three mouths and is saying the same thing: Christ is the way. He's the light. We can't do anything by ourselves, but through faith in Him, we can be better people, and we can be happier. All our Father in Heaven wants for us is to be trully happy.
Anyways I'm taking way too long and I still want to try and send pictures. I love you all so much and I am so grateful to hve such a strong supportive family at home. I look forward to getting my visa, and am still excited to go to Mexico, but honestly I would be just as happy if I stuck around here in Tucson fr the next to years. I'm loving it:) God is slowly but surely making me into who I've always wanted to be - who he kows I can be - exactly who He needs me to be.
I hope to hear from all of you soon! I love written letters:) again thanks for everything,
y recuerden
andamos por fe, no por vista
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
YESSSS conference was incredible!! I really cannot say enough about it, I was incredibly blessed to have that experience! It was funny to get to drive up to salt lake. From the bus we could see a couple missionaries out tracting in SLC. It is soooo weird to think that I am one of them... and will probaby be in the field within the week!
Okay so I found out Julie and I have the same meal time! So I get to see her and talk to her kind of often:)
ALSO Elder Jacob Lynford (for whatever reason, its weird because he's going to sweden) lives on my floor in the residence hall! Just a door or two down from me!! It is really strange but cool to see so many familiar faces around. I also saw and talked to Mike Bench (also from glendora stake/went to GHS) yesterday, he's going to Chile!
I finally received my long awaited letter from BRAD!
I AM SO EXCITED FOR HIM! I know he belongs in Argentina and it's part of the plan. For as long as I can remember Brad has always wanted to go to Argentina like his Dad. I was so happy when I heard : ) I can't wait for him to get to experience this!
It's starting to get a little bit cold here in utah-- just a little bit. I'm hoping it snows atleast once before I ship out, so thankyou sooo much mom for sendiong the hoodie, I haven't gotten it yet but I DID get my vneck sweater which fits perfectly! I also got two other packages, one full of freshly baked cookies from the BYU bookstare from the Nielsons which was VERY nice of them. It's good to hear that Ryan is doing so well! Maybe I'll be reassigned to Washington like Elder Palfreyman?... I hope!
I also got a package from Amanda and trevor Jex which was VERRRY nice of them! That one had cookies and candy in it too ha ha go figure. So thank you all:)
Alright so here's the deal with the Visas... since our departure date is this coming monday we could go to the travel office and ask if we had visas yet this past monday ( a week before ) and they saId that no one in our district has them:/
BUT they said that we should be getting our reassignments TODAY OR TOMORROW! And thast the visa situation really is kind of speeding up and they are starting to get a constant (but still slow) flow of signed visas coming in. They said that the maximum anyone has been waiting for a mexican visa in another mission in the states has only been about 7 weeks! So it could even be shorter than that.
But the cool thing is that earlier this morning or maybe even right now, the brethren are looking at my face and (by the spirit) making my stateside reassignment! There is a chance it will come in this afternoon but I might not get my travel plans until tomorrow. Either way it's really soon!
I have completely come to terms with being reassigned-- two missions has to be better than one. AND this also means I will probably have two great mission presidents, two great trainers, two "first companions" I'm just really excited. I think this is a blessing.
The elders in the district or two before us who were reassigned were pretty much reassigned to california or idaho if they were from utah, and sent to provo or SLC if they were from anywhere else ha ha. SO it looks like I may be staying here in utah, in which case I might have to figure out how to get some cold weather clothes.
BUT elder Palf was reassigned to Washington forever ago... so maybe since the general authorities thought we should go to the same mission in the first place, we should have the same reassignment ha ha.
I'll obviously go, and be incredibly happy and excited about anywhere:) but I would rather it be somewhere I've never been before if it's at all possible. I guess we'll see tomorrow!!!
Conference was incredible huh???
I couldnt beleive how incredibly applicable to me the ENTIRE weekend was. Getting to be there in the conference center, seeing the prophet of the Lord for the first time DURING priesthood session was the coolest thing I think I've ever done/experienced.
I love this work, I love this gospel, and I love my family.
I will probably send a few written letters out w more but I've really got to go!
a veces cosas son duro/dificil, pero siempre, el evangelio (y vida) es vale la pena
les amo mucho!
-Elder spencer
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The MTC Choir
September 29th, 2010
Les amo y les extrano mucho!!!!
Mom, Dad, Mary, and Emily, thank you all so much for your letters! And I cant remember if it was before or after last P-DAY but I also received a wonderful letter from Grandma Eccles:) I love you alls so much, thank you for your love and support.
Thank you Dad for the Wikipedia article and the essay -- I haven’t had a chance to try and translate the article yet but my good friend elder church (who goes to brown) and I are looking forward to taking a whack at it soon! I really like the idea of learning a little bit about each place I'm going to be preaching the gospel. IF ONLY I KNEW WHERE I WAS GOING TO BE GOING IN TWO WEEKS
But really, I have no idea where I'm going to be.
It looks like I should probably get my reassignment by next Friday... Visas really haven’t been coming in for a while, but I'm excited to serve two missions!
YES I have seen Julie! only once, but it is really nice to know there is a (literally) familiar face around:)
I also saw my good friend Kye (elder Browning )from camp (going to Mont. Mex.) at the temple on Sunday!
Jacob Linford should be coming in today!!! along with a whole new district Elder Porter and I have to train and orient tonight and tomorrow.
I see Brent Chase all the time since he works in the cafeteria here at the MTC, but even HE won't tell me where Brad's going!!! He told me he promised not to tell me where he's going only that it's Spanish speaking! I'm dying to know! Maybe I'll get a letter from him today.
I GET TO GO TO SALT LAKE THIS SATURDAY! Mom, if people give you a hard time, the president of the MTC and my choir director give you permission to sneak into the back of Priesthood session to watch. To quote.."Priesthood session is sacred, but nothing's secret." - President Smith
It's actually pretty intense. I'm getting another realllly short haircut today so I can pass inspection! My suit is also at the drycleaners so I can look my best. I'll be wearing my very conservative dark red tie.
If our hair isn't short enough, our faces aren’t smooth enough, our suits aren’t clean enough or our ties not boring enough (and especially our sideburns not short enough) we aren't allowed to go! The Mission Presidency themselves are inspecting us Saturday morning. This morning at choir practice President Smith walked straight up to me, told me he liked my tie, and that I needed a haircut.
We're going to be gone all day Saturday pretty much, we get to watch conference from some room at the conference center, and basically starve all day because we aren’t allowed to eat outside of our :"mission area" (the MTC) haha but really, I am SO EXCITED.
Just being able to sing my heart out every day this week has made me the happiest missionary alive. I really had forgotten how much joy singing brings to my life. There has just really been a special spirit lately, with conference coming, and everything kind of winding down while we wait for our reassignments/maybe visas/permisas etc.
I've learned a lot this week about exact obedience. It's kind of funny how it works, now that Elder Porter and I are zone leaders everyone's looking at us to know what to do and how to act! We've promised ourselves that we'd be good examples but also never forget to have fun. Elder Porter likes to say "If you’re not having fun, smiling, and laughing, being a good, obedient missionary, you shouldn’t be on a mission."
Obeying the rules, even the "little:" ones and really focusing on living and thinking on a higher plane, is what gives us power. As missionaries we really do hold ourselves to a higher standard than the rest of the world, and because of this there is a special spirit, especially here at the MTC. As I am obedient I can really feel CLOSE to Christ. That I am trying to feel, and act, and think, and look like Him. This is what gives me power and authority as a missionary, set apart to teach His gospel, and bring His message to Mexico (or to Arizona or Las Vegas or Colorado springs or Miami or salt lake or wherever they send me first ha ha)
I'm out of time but I love you all so much! I can't wait to hear more about your lives at home:)
I'm doing great :)
-Elder Spencer
September 22nd, 2010
Starting with some feedback from the email I just read and some thanks:
It is SO GOOD TO HEAR that Johnny is doing well! It was really nice to see him that sunday at the temple before he left. I pray for him often and am glad tat he has a great companion and is working hard.
I haven't received any news from Elder Palfreyman but I am extremely jealous that he's out in the field, ESPECIALLY somewhere beautifu like WA to be serving the lord while I'm still in here teaching students from BYU pretending to be investigators in broken espanol ha ha
Thankyou Emily for your letter it is always so good to hear about your life on the outside here in Utah ha ha and thankyou Dad for your advice viw "dear elder"
This week has been incredible.
First off I have my suit back! The sweet sister at the errand place said that they redid the lining or something and put in some sweat guards at the armpits. It seems to be working! Not having my suit made me realize how much a really like my suit better than everyone elses I had to borrow. It is good that I have a suit that doesnt turn my shirts blue because I have to wear it every morning til conference....
This morning was the first rehearsal! I think there were about 300ish of us maybe 250 our of all the 2800 Elders here at the MTC. We had to apply and fill out this survey about our singing experience and if we've had lessons, and if we can read music, etc. I didn't think I'd make it because every gosh dang mormon is so flipping talented.. but I was picked!!!!
We practice pretty much every morning til conference then we get bussed up to salt lake to sing at the conference center!
I AM SO EXCITED. I have always wanted to sing up there where the MOTAB sings! and I get to be on TV!If the camera looks at me!haha
If memorizing all the music isn't going to make my life hectic enough-- Elder Porter and I were called to be the new ZONE LEADERS on sunday. Since the District above us left this week, we are noe the oldest! weird.
Elder Porter and I have all sorts of duties and meetings and resposibilities.. keeping the zone (about 50-60 missionaries) in check, residence hall cleanliness and obedience, AND we also get to welcome, train, and orient the new missionaries! (coming tonight!)
The new district gets here tonight, I think about 8 elders and four sisters going to Peru.
Oh and we get to sit on the stand and look important during santacena y sacerdocio (sacrement and Priesthood)
Grandma's letter (which I absolutley loved by the way) mentioned that Julie (i mean sister Eccles) is coming in today too! I was under the impression she came in LAST wednesday and have been looking for her all week!!! Maybe I'll find her in the next couple of weeks then ha ha. I'm so excited for her -- this place rocks.
This work rocks.
I don;t have very much time but I just want everyone to know how well I am doing. I cannot imagine being happier.
I know that my purpose as a missionary of the Lord's church is His purpose, that is to bring people unto him. I am SO BLESSED to have this opportunity to focus all my time and efforts on bringing others to the real, tangible happiness and joy that the gospel brings. Predicad mi Evangelio says:
Everything that is unfair about life, can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Yo se que Dios vive, y que Jesucristo es el hijo de Dios y la unica manera que podemos regresar a vivir con nuestro Padre otraves.
Les amo MUCHO
La Iglesia es verdadera
with much love,
I miss and appreciate you all. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family supporting me at home,
September 14th, 2010
Thanks Mom and Dad for the email this week-- I wish I could have heard Trevor's Homecoming talk!!! I just read what you said about it and ran into the classroom to tell the other four elders who are going to Hermosillo that our Mission Pres. doesn't speak English ha ha there was a unanimous groan, pero YO estoy muy animado. Please tell me everything you remember from his talk! How was his Spanish? Does he speak English with an accent?
To answer your questions...
JULIE SHOULD BE COMING INTO THE MTC TODAY THEN!! I'll definitely see her. 2800 missionaries seems like a lot, but I swear I know everyone's face. Today is the start of our 6th week... it's so strange watching missionaries come and go, knowing that I still have about 4 more weeks "in training" before I get to go out into the field ha ha. But then I think about those Elders and Sisters learning chinese and cambodian and Ukranian that are here for THREE months and I am grateful again:)
20 Elders going to Mexico got travel plans this week, TWO of them got Visas... atleast we know there's a chance! ha ha I actually still feel pretty good about it. All 20 of those Elders are going to Ciudad de Mexico -- I don;t know if it matters WHERE you are going in Mexico, but it seems like it's harder to get there than to Hermosillo.
Alright, this week has been pretty darn busy. We have stopped teaching the lessons in English and are now teahcing solomente en espanol. It's reallllly hard! We've also stopped speaking English completely in the classroom and my Dormroom has tried to keep the same standard in the residence hall as well.
I am no longer the District Leader! I was released Sunday - it was pretty sad actually. I have no doubt that it was a divine call. I learned more about being a leader in these last 5 weeks than I ever thought possible. I am going to miss the alonen time and individual conversations with all the individual Elders in the District.
But Elder Nielson, from West Valley City Utah took my place and I couldnt think of a better Elder. He's probably the nicest, most charitable, in-tune with the spirit person my age I have ever met. I'm kindof worried he's going to do so well the District will finally realize what a terrible job I did as their DL ha ha
Okay so we got new teachers! No one thought we could get a better teacher than Hermano McFadyen-- but NOW we've met Hermano Gamez (Gameth). (De Espania). I LOVE HIS SPANISH. Elder Porter and I taught him the first lesson in Spanish yesterday. It was probably the scariest lesson we've ever taught but I learned SO MUCH. He's really strict but really funny and has a thick Spanish accent.
I'm running out of time-- but I just wanted to say how much i love and appreciate you all. Over the past week I have thought a lot about the power of sincere prayer. I don;t have enough time to share everyhting but I encourage you to read the passage under Prayer in the Bible dictionary.
September 7th, 2010
Hola Familia!
What an eventful week! Eventful in MTC world anyway.
Thankyou to everyone who has written me:) I know I got a written letter from both Emily and Grandma Spencer, both responses are in the mail today I think.
BYU football started saturday! I know, not because we have any connection whatsoever to the outside world, but b/c we could hear the game LOUD and CLEAR. I didnt'e realize how clospe we are to the stadium!
Everything is going pretty well!! Just some changes. Since the MTC is realllly full (2800 missionaries I think) District 38-D's teachers have been reazssigned to some new missionaries. This news was a bemmer because my district realllly like our teahcer Hermano McFadyen and we were just starting to get to know our new teahcer Hermano Paz Soldan (from Bolivia). BUT ALAS they are gone, and now --we haven't met them yet, but-- we have two new teachers, Hermana something and an Hermano from SPAIN.
A few of the guys are worried about his Spanish Lisp and speaking in vosotros (some differences Spain spanish has from Mexican spanish) but I am really excited! I'm crossing my fingers that learning spanish from a spaniard will help us learn proper spanish.
Speaking of teachers, there is a teahcer down the hall in our building named Hermano Bahr. I've always thought he looked familiar and that I'd heard that last name before -- and then I remembered! I asked him if eh had a sister-in-law named Millie (Segura) and he said YES! Ends up he was one of the Bahr brothers singing that funny song at Millie's wedding! He called Millie and told her he knew me and she --through him-- said Hi and Goodluck to me! It was pretty cool. The Mormon Utah World is so small.
ALRIGHT, Mexico news.
as usual, mostly just rumors going around. My roommate heard from his mom, that his uncle, Richard Hinckley and executive whatever of the missionary dept. said that there was some "snafu" and visas have completely halted. BUT THEN I was in the health office and the Doctor said that some people are still getting visas that had Passports already before they got their call. (Do I qualify for that?)
and THEN my companion and I just decided to go ask the travel office and they told us that since we aren't leaving til october we will have a good chance of getting visas.
So basically I have no idea whats going on.
It is seriously a blessing to be able to be sitting here, writing an email to you all right now, because I was almost put in quarentine(sp?) for the flu haha.
There are 11 Elders in my district and 4 of us are in the "quarentine" for illness! EVERYONE is sick. Shaking hands is banned in our entire zone. I went to the health office and was tested for the flu and for strep throat (since I have a bit of a soar throat) and tested neg. for both thankgoodness.
Anyways things have just been going kind of crazy, me trying to organize companion exchanges that work etc. because everyone and theior mother's companion is locked away in some secret dungeon here at teh MTC ha ha (in all seriousness they really do keep it secret. no one knows where they are ha ha -- we just watched them drag our comrades away wearing surgical masks over their faces)
Alright I'm running ouit of time but I love you all SO much.
I have less than a minute!
So I know that this church is true. I've never felt God's love and support so much in my entire life. I'm happy, and I'm almost healthy:) haha
-Elder Spencer
August 25th, 2010
Como le van?!
ALRIGHT so I oultined what I wanted to say in this email in an attempt to be more organized, effivient and clear, but I was in a hurry running out of our appartment and i accidentally grabbed my outline for Leccion Dos, (the plan of salvation) en espanol ha ha
So I guess I'll just shoot from the hip as usual.
This has been a really good week! Elder Porter and I have decided that we are finally getting the hang of things! We are finding 3 minutes here.. 5 minutes there of freetime which didn't exist the first two weeks so we are happy about that:)
More districts are getting Mexican Visas! Just the other day I talked to 5 Elders going to Hermosillo, all of whom had visas and were only here for 8 weeks. YESSSSS
Elder Palfreyman is gone! he was reassigned to Seattle Spanish speaking until his viso comes in, when he will fly back here, then down to Mexico probably about the same time I head down there. 5.5 weeks left in los estados unidos! I've decided 8 weeks in the MTC is a long time. Elder Watkins left for St Paul this morning!
I can't wait to get into the field.
Spanish is beginning to pick up speed! and I thought we were moving fast when I got here! We got a new teacher b/c Hermana Gigena graduated from the Y and moved back to washington DC. Our new teacher is a native speaker! He's from Bolivia and served his Mission in Columbia. He speaks SO FAST but I find myself understanding about 85% of what he says! Which I think is pretty darn good. Some really important must really want me to learn how to preach his gospel in this language.
I got a haircut today! My hair has never been this short in my entire life! I feel like a marine. But I kind of like it. They cut our hair in this little shop below one of the residence halls and they heard us in and shear us like sheep. A very young pretty BYU student sat me down, shaved me, and vacuumed my head to get rid of all the little hairs ha ha ha.
Really though I think I actually look pretty sharp. I lucked out -- a lot of the other Elders come out looking ridiculous
OH YEAH! And we found out my good friend and roommate Elder Blair ( the one with the heart problem ) is Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley's great GRANDSON and lived with his for the last two years of teh Prophets life! (explaining why he was shipped up to salt lake and interviewed by general authorities and church doctors about his condition) He decided to tell us this when we noticed Gordon B. was on his geneology chart hanging up on his wall ha ha he said,
"Oh yeah he's my grandpa. No big deal."
THEN Elder Richard G Hinckley spoke at the devotional Tues. night, we saw him in the hallway and Elder Blair called him "Uncle Dick"! We thought that was pretty crazy.
Well I can honestly say I'm comfortable here:) It is so weird finally being a missionary. Everything I do, say, teach, read, study all day is by the spirit-- everyone here is united under one purpose and that is to Invite others to come unto Christ by receiving the restored gospel. I wouldn't ratehr be anywhere else :)
Todo les quiero MUCHO
Elder Spencer
Wednesday August 18th
I love you all so much. I wish I could put into words what it means to have everyone's support back home while I'm here doing God's work. This has definitely been the happiest, most exciting, enlightening, inspiring, and humbling week of my entire life.
Number one, the trip.
I never thought how much I would appreciate having Johnny on the flight up ehre with me. The flight was such a weird experience, taking an airplane into the next chapter of my life. it was nice to have my best friend sitting next to me :) laughing about the guy sitting in front of us wearing a shirt that said "I've tried Polygamy" ha ha
Numero dos, mi compenero
Elder Porter... is awesome! I swear they do companionships half by inspiration and half by height here at the MTC. Elder Porter and I could share clothes if we wanted! Elder Porter is from Mapleton Utah, about 15 minutes away from here, and is also going to Hermosillo! He's extremely talkative, enthusiastic, reallllly easy to get along with, and very very friendly. He did a year at Utah state and doesn't kno0w what he wants to do with his life any more than anyone else here does.
I have grown such a testimony of companionships. The gospel was meant to be taught two by two. It is so nice to have a good friend to talk to, study with, and just have fun with.
Numero tres, Mi Llamamiento(calling) y clase de espanol
SO, here at the MTC everything is organized just like the mission field! We have companions and districts and zones and branch Presidents etc. My zone is AWESOME. Each zone has their own classroom where we basically keep all of our stuff *(spanish scrips, textbooks, PreachMyGospel, etc) this is where we do all of our studying (personal, companionship, and language) we have a teacher that comes to our classroom and teaches us how to be missionaries in Mexico! We have two teahcers, hermana gigena y hermano McFadyen, both are excellent return Missionaries who teach us both how to speak spanish and teach the gospel like Christ.
Spanish class is SO FUN! It has now been exactly a week and some high school spanish is definitely coming back.
I can pray, and share my testimony in spanish and I'm working on vocabulary and phrases to share the first lesson about our loving heavenly father, teh gospel blessing las familias y the restoration of the gospel.
The language is definitely the hardest part of it all, but it still manages to be the most fun.
OH and I totally forgot! I am the district leader! So I conduct interviews and keep track of all the companionships in the district(there are about 6) and return and report to the Branch Pres.
quatro,nuestro horario.our schedule
Every SECOND of the day as a missionary is booked. We have to be up at 6:30 (usually 6:15 not only to get a shower before everyone else but to turn it on and wait the 5-10 minutes that it takes to warm up from -10 to 32 degrees
we then go down to the district classroom, sing a hymn, and start our hour of personal study, hour of comp study, and hour or more of lanuguage study. Somehwere in there we have breakfast then come back and meet our teacher in the classroom, sing another hymn, pray, and learn how to be missionaries for 6 hours or so.
There is "missianary directed time" throughout the day when elder porter and I are able to do more comp. and language study and contact people arount the MTC campus and basically do whatevr we want as long as it's productive and gospel/language related.
I now have dos minutos so I'll try to hurry up!
we meet and plan at 9 oclock, have quiettime at 1015 and lights out at 1030.
so. busy.
on sunday nights and tuesday nights there are devotionals!! Tuesdays are when the big guns come, like general authorities etc. yesterday Elder Ganzalez and his wife came!
I now have under a minute so i just want to say I LOVE you all so mucha dn look for my letter!
Elder Spencer is Our Favorite
Here are some pictures of Jack before he left:
The Spencer Family after Jack's farewell.

Jack, and his best friends, Brad and Johnny

Johnny and Jack were leaving for the MTC on the same day, so President Walker thought it would be a great idea to set them apart at the same time. It was really awesome to have the Watkins and the Spencers all together in the same room to see Jack and Johnny ordained as Elders!

All of us dropping off Elder Spencer at Ontario airport. (not the best picture ever taken of me)

Sarah Watkins (my best friend, and Johnny's sister) dropping off Elders Spencer and Watkins at the MTC

(thanks to Jack's friend, Rose and to Sister Watkins for the pictures!)