Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hola Family!

YESSSS conference was incredible!! I really cannot say enough about it, I was incredibly blessed to have that experience! It was funny to get to drive up to salt lake. From the bus we could see a couple missionaries out tracting in SLC. It is soooo weird to think that I am one of them... and will probaby be in the field within the week!

Okay so I found out Julie and I have the same meal time! So I get to see her and talk to her kind of often:)
ALSO Elder Jacob Lynford (for whatever reason, its weird because he's going to sweden) lives on my floor in the residence hall! Just a door or two down from me!! It is really strange but cool to see so many familiar faces around. I also saw and talked to Mike Bench (also from glendora stake/went to GHS) yesterday, he's going to Chile!

I finally received my long awaited letter from BRAD!
I AM SO EXCITED FOR HIM! I know he belongs in Argentina and it's part of the plan. For as long as I can remember Brad has always wanted to go to Argentina like his Dad. I was so happy when I heard : ) I can't wait for him to get to experience this!

It's starting to get a little bit cold here in utah-- just a little bit. I'm hoping it snows atleast once before I ship out, so thankyou sooo much mom for sendiong the hoodie, I haven't gotten it yet but I DID get my vneck sweater which fits perfectly! I also got two other packages, one full of freshly baked cookies from the BYU bookstare from the Nielsons which was VERY nice of them. It's good to hear that Ryan is doing so well! Maybe I'll be reassigned to Washington like Elder Palfreyman?... I hope!
I also got a package from Amanda and trevor Jex which was VERRRY nice of them! That one had cookies and candy in it too ha ha go figure. So thank you all:)

Alright so here's the deal with the Visas... since our departure date is this coming monday we could go to the travel office and ask if we had visas yet this past monday ( a week before ) and they saId that no one in our district has them:/
BUT they said that we should be getting our reassignments TODAY OR TOMORROW! And thast the visa situation really is kind of speeding up and they are starting to get a constant (but still slow) flow of signed visas coming in. They said that the maximum anyone has been waiting for a mexican visa in another mission in the states has only been about 7 weeks! So it could even be shorter than that.
But the cool thing is that earlier this morning or maybe even right now, the brethren are looking at my face and (by the spirit) making my stateside reassignment! There is a chance it will come in this afternoon but I might not get my travel plans until tomorrow. Either way it's really soon!
I have completely come to terms with being reassigned-- two missions has to be better than one. AND this also means I will probably have two great mission presidents, two great trainers, two "first companions" I'm just really excited. I think this is a blessing.
The elders in the district or two before us who were reassigned were pretty much reassigned to california or idaho if they were from utah, and sent to provo or SLC if they were from anywhere else ha ha. SO it looks like I may be staying here in utah, in which case I might have to figure out how to get some cold weather clothes.
BUT elder Palf was reassigned to Washington forever ago... so maybe since the general authorities thought we should go to the same mission in the first place, we should have the same reassignment ha ha.
I'll obviously go, and be incredibly happy and excited about anywhere:) but I would rather it be somewhere I've never been before if it's at all possible. I guess we'll see tomorrow!!!

Conference was incredible huh???
I couldnt beleive how incredibly applicable to me the ENTIRE weekend was. Getting to be there in the conference center, seeing the prophet of the Lord for the first time DURING priesthood session was the coolest thing I think I've ever done/experienced.
I love this work, I love this gospel, and I love my family.
I will probably send a few written letters out w more but I've really got to go!

a veces cosas son duro/dificil, pero siempre, el evangelio (y vida) es vale la pena

les amo mucho!

-Elder spencer

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