Saturday, October 2, 2010

September 14th, 2010


Thanks Mom and Dad for the email this week-- I wish I could have heard Trevor's Homecoming talk!!! I just read what you said about it and ran into the classroom to tell the other four elders who are going to Hermosillo that our Mission Pres. doesn't speak English ha ha there was a unanimous groan, pero YO estoy muy animado. Please tell me everything you remember from his talk! How was his Spanish? Does he speak English with an accent?

To answer your questions...

JULIE SHOULD BE COMING INTO THE MTC TODAY THEN!! I'll definitely see her. 2800 missionaries seems like a lot, but I swear I know everyone's face. Today is the start of our 6th week... it's so strange watching missionaries come and go, knowing that I still have about 4 more weeks "in training" before I get to go out into the field ha ha. But then I think about those Elders and Sisters learning chinese and cambodian and Ukranian that are here for THREE months and I am grateful again:)

20 Elders going to Mexico got travel plans this week, TWO of them got Visas... atleast we know there's a chance! ha ha I actually still feel pretty good about it. All 20 of those Elders are going to Ciudad de Mexico -- I don;t know if it matters WHERE you are going in Mexico, but it seems like it's harder to get there than to Hermosillo.

Alright, this week has been pretty darn busy. We have stopped teaching the lessons in English and are now teahcing solomente en espanol. It's reallllly hard! We've also stopped speaking English completely in the classroom and my Dormroom has tried to keep the same standard in the residence hall as well.

I am no longer the District Leader! I was released Sunday - it was pretty sad actually. I have no doubt that it was a divine call. I learned more about being a leader in these last 5 weeks than I ever thought possible. I am going to miss the alonen time and individual conversations with all the individual Elders in the District.

But Elder Nielson, from West Valley City Utah took my place and I couldnt think of a better Elder. He's probably the nicest, most charitable, in-tune with the spirit person my age I have ever met. I'm kindof worried he's going to do so well the District will finally realize what a terrible job I did as their DL ha ha

Okay so we got new teachers! No one thought we could get a better teacher than Hermano McFadyen-- but NOW we've met Hermano Gamez (Gameth). (De Espania). I LOVE HIS SPANISH. Elder Porter and I taught him the first lesson in Spanish yesterday. It was probably the scariest lesson we've ever taught but I learned SO MUCH. He's really strict but really funny and has a thick Spanish accent.

I'm running out of time-- but I just wanted to say how much i love and appreciate you all. Over the past week I have thought a lot about the power of sincere prayer. I don;t have enough time to share everyhting but I encourage you to read the passage under Prayer in the Bible dictionary.

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